On May 8, 1993, 63 people met at the Grant County Rescue Mission for a church service. This group was not sure what would come from these meetings. Even though they did not see the working of God, He had a plan for these believers.
A business meeting was held the next Sunday evening, May 15, to decide whether to form a church or to do something else. All 75 in attendance stood to their feet in unanimous approval. A board was later elected, a name for the church was selected, and then a constitution was drafted. The attendance grew to 150 in the short time the church met at the mission.
On June 1, 1993 we purchased the church at 500 E. Christy St. On August 15, the church met for the first time at that site. Opening day there were 375 in attendance. The church continued to grow over the four years we met in that facility, with many coming to Christ.
The summer of 1996, ten acres of property was purchased on Bradford Pike and plans were made for a new facility. On January 4, 1998, the first service was held at 1810 E. Bradford Pike with 529 in attendance.
The Lord continued to bless the fellowship and there was a need to build a new larger sanctuary. On November 2003 we celebrated our first worship service in that new sanctuary.
In 2004 the decision was made to purchase 10 additional acres for development. With that, we were offered the opportunity to purchase 47 acres of woods directly adjoining the back of the property. The vote was unanimous to make that purchase. We now have “Clayton’s Cove” which includes a large pavilion and band shelter; as well as nature trails.
What God has done is truly miraculous! He has done more than we could have ever asked. May we always focus on faithful teaching of the Bible and reaching out to the lost. It is a blessing to be a part of what God had done and is doing.